
Portable Google Chrome for Puppy Linux

What is this?

Porrtable Google Chrome places the Google Chrome with its configuration files in a folder to utilize it without installing it in the puppy space(pupsave).

Portable Google Chrome holds the Google Chrome as a sfs, its settings in a ext3 image file, google-chrome-config.3fs, so that no matter run on any type of file system. It loads the the Google Chrome sfs and the google-chrome-config.3fs to launch the Google Chrome as if launching a miniature Puppy.

Portable Google Chrome also holds the cache (taken on RAM if possible) and downloads in the same 'google-chrome-portable' folder, so that they are free from the 'Puppy space' and not limited by the pupsave size.

Comfirmed it works on...

Does not work on 32bit Puppies. Does not work on XenialPup 7.5 and earier. Does not work on any OS's other than Puppy.

What is the differnce with AppImages?

Portable Google Chrome holds all the configrations and the Downloads folder in it. It has self builder so that easily up-to-date Chrome.

How to use?

I. Installation

google-chrome-portable-*.tar.gz is available from http://shinobar.server-on.net/puppy/opt/pup64/

  1. Extract google-chrome-portable-*.tar.gz at soewhere under /mnt/home, or under some mounted point like /mnt/sdb1. No mater the file system of the partion, ext?, ntfs or vfat. You can remove the archive *.tar.gz after extracting. A folder google-chrome-portable-* is made. You can move this folder anywhere under /mnt and rename the folder name, like '/mnt/home/apps/google-chrome-portable' for example.

    The google-chrome-portable-* folder works as a ROX application. It is seen as app icon icon with a gear. Unfortunately it does not work as a ROX applicition on NTFS file system. The icon shows normal folder folder icon in this case.
  2. Click google-chrome-portable-* folder if the icon shows a gear app icon. Or, open the folder and click the executable shell script icon google-chrome-portable. A GUI opens.
  3. Click 'OK' button on the GUI window. The package file 'google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb' shall be automatically downloaded.
    Or, if you have the package file 'google-chrome-stable_*_amd64.deb', drag it on the GUI entry, and then click 'OK'.

  4. The google-chrome-portable works as an installer and the Google Chrome automatically installed.

  5. Importing old bookmarks
    You can import previous bookmarks if you were using Google Chrome or Chromium before. The Google Chrome 'Bookmarks' file is found at "/Documents and Settings/*/Local Settings/Application Data/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default" folder on the Windows system drive. If you were using Chromium on Puppy, the 'Bookmarks' file may be found in "/root/.config/chromium/Default" folder.
    Drug and drop the folder on the entry box when the GUI asks 'Where is the old bookmarks?'.
    You can skip this process if you need not.

II. Launching Google Chrome

After the installation finishes, the google-chrome-portable works as a launcher.

If you register on the Puppy menu, the Google Chrome appears on the Puppy menu. You can register the google chrome as the default browser.

You can click the google-chrome-portable folder or the executable to launch the Google Chrome, no matter registererd or not. If the google-chrome-portable folder is under /mnt/home, you can make a desktop icon dragging the google-chrome-portable folder on the desktop.

The google-chrome-portable is registered on the Puppy Package Manager. You can uninstall it from the PPM and then the Google Chrome is removed from the Puppy menu, but the Google Chrome in the google-chrome-portable folder is still there.

You can remove the google-chrome-portable folder with the installed Google Chrome. But the menu entry is stil in the Puppy menu. You need to uninstall the google chrome portable using PPM to remove it from the Puppy menu.

Notice: the Google Chrome runs as 'root', using --no-sandbox option.The Google Chrome displays a complain on this.

III. The configuration files

The configuration files of theGoogle Chrome is in the file google-chrome-config.3fs in the google-chrome-portable folder. Move the whole google-chrome-portable folder if you want to move or backup. All the bookmarks and cookies are within it.

All the bookmarks and cookies are lost if you remove the google-chrome-portable folder. (backing up the google-chrome-config.3fs file is a good idea.)

Old settings may be in /root/.config/google-chrome if you are using the Google Chrome before. They are not automatically copied, but you can manually copy the file into the google-chrome-config directory which appears when you click the file google-cgoogle-chrome-config.3fs.

IV. Updating Google Chrome

  1. Right-click the google-chrome-portable folder and select 'Build'. Or, open the folder and click the executable shell script icon 'Build'.
  2. Click 'OK' button on the GUI window. Dowmloading and updating automatically proceeds.

Or, you can download the 64bit .deb package from Google Chrome web page using any browser, and drag and drop it on the google-chrome-portable folder.

V.Download locations

The Google Chrome downloads internet files to '/root/Downloads' as the default. Because this is in the Puppy space(pupsave), downloading large files may crashes Puppy.

google-chrome-portable changes the 'HOME' environment variable, so that the download files to the 'Downloas' folder in the google-chrome-portable folder.

The folder can be different if you moved the downlooad location in the Google Chrome settings. Recommendation is set it as the default.
Changing the download locations is at Chrome menu on the browser toolbar > Settings > Show advanced settings.


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2024-08-22 google-chrome-portable v0.9.5
Shinobar https://shinobar.net/