Shino's Bar is a communication spot for contemporary art related people, where fine wine and spirits are served and guests can enjoy wit conversation. Unfortunately, Shino's Bar is difficult to find. Its location is unknown, and it does not always open. It is an occasionally established bar.
In 1995, an exhibition, NowHere, featuring contemporary art was held in Eindhoven-the Netherlands, where artists from Japan and the Netherlands attended. M.Shino, a technical supporter of a Japanese artists group joined this project, and he lived in a kindergarten that was prepared as the temporary residence for the staff.
At the kindergarten, he enjoyed a nightcap with his friends . The Japanese lived in the same house joined him, and they enjoyed conversation and spirits. It did not take time before Dutch persons joined this night-party.
In 1996, another part of the Internal Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition, Twelve Environments, was held at a former school in Tokyo. It was the second turn of the Shino's Bar . It was set up in a room in the school, where plenty of persons gathered and enjoyed at the party.
In 1997, Shino's Bar again came in Europe at the Cisterian monastery, Plasy-Czech Republic.
On 20th July 1997, the web site Shino's Bar Internet is established as a virtual but permanent bar on the net.
On 24th December 2007, the Shino's Bar opened in the Secondlife, 3D virtual world.
September 2014, it moved to the Japan Open Grid (JOG), OpenSim world.
Shino's Bar International since 1995, Location- unknown, Open- occasionally
Shino's Bar Internet since 1997, Location-
, Open- 7days a week, 24hours a day
Shinobar Annex since 2007, 2014, Opensim world